## Geocode the Location
<- dplyr::tibble(location = "Barrow Shipyard") |>
lnglat geocode(location, method = "osm")
Passing 1 address to the Nominatim single address geocoder
Query completed in: 1 seconds
Luke Heley
February 7, 2024
Have the regional flows in Barrow in Furness changed?
Data are sourced from Census 2011 and Census 2021 flows data.
Passing 1 address to the Nominatim single address geocoder
Query completed in: 1 seconds
# Load the MSOA in the Area
db <- DBI::dbConnect(
db = "census",
host = "localhost",
port = 5432,
user = "postgres",
password = Sys.getenv("postgre_pw")
bbox <- spdf |>
sf::st_transform(27700) |>
sf::st_buffer(2.5e3) |>
# sf::st_transform(4326) |>
query_bounding_box <- function(bbox, tbl = "ew_msoa_2021", srid = 27700){
glue::glue("SELECT * FROM {tbl}
WHERE geometry
ST_MakeEnvelope (
{bbox[1]}, {bbox[2]},
{bbox[3]}, {bbox[4]},
oa_2021 <- sf::st_read(db, query = query_bounding_box(bbox, "ew_oa_2021")) |> sf::st_transform(4326)
oa_2011 <- sf::st_read(db, query = query_bounding_box(bbox, "infuse_oa_lyr_2011")) |> sf::st_transform(4326)
leaflet(oa_2021) |>
leaflet::addTiles() |>
oa21cd_f <- oa_2021 |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::pull(oa21cd) |>
oa11cd_f <- oa_2011 |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::pull(geo_code) |>
flow_2021 <- db |>
dplyr::tbl("ODWP01EW_OA") |>
dplyr::filter(`oa_of_workplace_code` %in% oa21cd_f) |>
flow_2011 <- db |>
dplyr::tbl("WF03UK_oa_v1") |>
dplyr::filter(area_of_workplace %in% oa11cd_f) |>
dplyr::collect() |>
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(area_of_usual_residence, "^E|^W"))
oa11_work <- paste0("'", flow_2011$area_of_workplace |> unique() |> paste(collapse = "','"), "'")
oa11_work_geo <- sf::st_read(
db, query = glue::glue(
"SELECT * FROM infuse_oa_lyr_2011 WHERE geo_code IN ({oa11_work})"
) |>
sf::st_transform(4326) |>
sf::st_centroid() |>
dplyr::select(oa11cd_work = geo_code, work_geo = geometry)
Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries
oa11_residence <- paste0("'", flow_2011$area_of_usual_residence |> unique() |> paste(collapse = "','"), "'")
oa11_residence_geo <- sf::st_read(
db, query = glue::glue(
"SELECT * FROM infuse_oa_lyr_2011 WHERE geo_code IN ({oa11_residence})"
) |>
sf::st_transform(4326) |>
sf::st_centroid() |>
dplyr::select(oa11cd_residence = geo_code, residence_geo = geometry)
Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries
flow_2011_geo <- flow_2011 |>
oa11cd_residence = area_of_usual_residence,
oa11cd_work = area_of_workplace,
count = persons) |>
dplyr::left_join(oa11_residence_geo) |>
dplyr::left_join(oa11_work_geo) |>
dist = sf::st_distance(residence_geo, work_geo, by_element = TRUE)
Joining with `by = join_by(oa11cd_residence)`
Joining with `by = join_by(oa11cd_work)`
oa21_work <- paste0("'",flow_2021$oa_of_workplace_code |> unique() |>
paste(collapse = "','"), "'")
oa21_work_geo <- sf::st_read(
db, query = glue::glue(
"SELECT * FROM ew_oa_2021 WHERE oa21cd IN ({oa21_work})"
)) |>
sf::st_transform(4326) |>
sf::st_centroid() |>
dplyr::select(oa21cd_work = oa21cd, work_geo = geometry)
Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries
oa21_residence <- paste0("'",flow_2021$output_areas_code |> unique() |>
paste(collapse = "','"), "'")
oa21_residence_geo <- sf::st_read(
db, query = glue::glue(
"SELECT * FROM ew_oa_2021 WHERE oa21cd IN ({oa21_residence})"
)) |>
sf::st_transform(4326) |>
sf::st_centroid() |>
dplyr::select(oa21cd_residence = oa21cd, residence_geo = geometry)
Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries
flow_2021_geo <- flow_2021 |>
oa21cd_residence = output_areas_code,
oa21cd_work = oa_of_workplace_code,
workplace_indicator = place_of_work_indicator_4_categories_label,
count) |>
dplyr::left_join(oa21_residence_geo) |>
dplyr::left_join(oa21_work_geo) |>
dist = sf::st_distance(residence_geo, work_geo, by_element = TRUE)
Joining with `by = join_by(oa21cd_residence)`
Joining with `by = join_by(oa21cd_work)`
flow_2011_geo |>
dplyr::summarise(avg = mean(dist),
total = sum(count*dist),
w_avg = sum(count*dist)/sum(count),
count = sum(count)) |>
dplyr::mutate(year = 2011) |>
flow_2021_geo |>
dplyr::summarise(avg = mean(dist),
total = sum(count*dist),
w_avg = sum(count*dist)/sum(count),
count = sum(count)) |>
dplyr::mutate(year = 2021)
# A tibble: 2 × 5
avg total w_avg count year
[m] [m] [m] <dbl> <dbl>
1 15862. 199680118. 8565. 23313 2011
2 23047. 247641474. 10045. 24653 2021
dist_2011 <- flow_2011_geo |>
dplyr::select(count, dist) |>
purrr::pmap(function(count, dist) rep(dist, count)) |>
dist_2021 <- flow_2021_geo |>
dplyr::select(count, dist) |>
purrr::pmap(function(count, dist) rep(dist, count)) |>
flow_2021_geo |>
dplyr::group_by(workplace_indicator) |>
dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count))
# A tibble: 2 × 2
workplace_indicator count
<chr> <dbl>
1 Mainly working at or from home, No fixed place 6105
2 Working in the UK but not working at or from home 18548
dist_2021_not_wfh <- flow_2021_geo |>
dplyr::filter(workplace_indicator != "Mainly working at or from home, No fixed place") |>
dplyr::select(count, dist) |>
purrr::pmap(function(count, dist) rep(dist, count)) |>
distances <- dplyr::tibble(year = as.character(2011), dist = dist_2011) |>
dplyr::tibble(year = as.character(2021), dist = dist_2021)
) |>
dplyr::tibble(year = "2021 (Not WfH)", dist = dist_2021_not_wfh)
ggplot(distances) + geom_density(aes(dist, colour = as.factor(year)))
# A tibble: 3 × 11
year min p25 p50 p75 p80 p90 p95 max mean count
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 2011 0 1390. 2358. 5493. 7189. 12860. 37939. 4.48e5 8565. 23313
2 2021 0 0 1869. 4583. 6482. 13821. 41820. 4.26e5 10045. 24653
3 2021 (Not WfH) 0 1528. 2676. 7069. 9700. 25459. 64253. 4.26e5 13351. 18548
f <- flow_2021_geo$oa21cd_residence
flow_2021_geo |>
dplyr::mutate(dist = as.numeric(dist)) |>
dplyr::filter(dist >300000) |>
db |>
dplyr::tbl("oa21_lsoa21_msoa21_lad22") |>
dplyr::filter(oa21cd %in% f) |>
dplyr::collect() |>
dplyr::select(oa21cd, lsoa21nm),
by = c("oa21cd_residence" = "oa21cd")
) |>
dplyr::select(oa21cd_residence,lsoa21nm, dist, count) |>
dplyr::arrange(-dist) |>
# A tibble: 20 × 4
oa21cd_residence lsoa21nm dist count
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 E00102181 South Hams 011A 426161. 1
2 E00172060 Plymouth 026E 420302. 1
3 E00076025 Plymouth 026B 419614. 1
4 E00076642 Plymouth 020D 418097. 1
5 E00102098 South Hams 002C 416306. 1
6 E00076190 Plymouth 006C 415347. 1
7 E00076617 Plymouth 001D 412426. 1
8 E00076615 Plymouth 001D 412346. 3
9 E00160124 Arun 012B 405904. 1
10 E00186746 Tonbridge and Malling 014H 400118. 1
11 E00086244 Portsmouth 015B 395814. 1
12 E00086490 Portsmouth 022C 395804. 1
13 E00086497 Portsmouth 022C 395768. 1
14 E00086276 Portsmouth 012D 395599. 1
15 E00086230 Portsmouth 012D 395430. 1
16 E00116021 Gosport 008C 394082. 1
17 E00180417 Isle of Wight 002D 393534. 1
18 E00115933 Gosport 003B 391535. 1
19 E00115547 Fareham 003C 386220. 1
20 E00077504 Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole 017B 385595. 1
top20_2021 <- flow_2021_geo |>
db |>
dplyr::tbl("oa21_lsoa21_msoa21_lad22") |>
dplyr::select(oa21cd, lad22nm) |>
by = c("oa21cd_residence" = "oa21cd")
) |>
dplyr::group_by(lad22nm) |>
dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count)) |>
dplyr::arrange(-count) |>
head(20) |>
dplyr::mutate(year = 2021) |>
dplyr::rename(lad = lad22nm) |>
top20_2011 <- flow_2011_geo |>
db |>
dplyr::tbl("oa11_lsoa11_msoa11_lad_2017") |>
dplyr::select(OA11CD, LAD17NM) |>
dplyr::distinct() |>
by = c("oa11cd_residence" = "OA11CD")
) |>
dplyr::group_by(LAD17NM) |>
dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count)) |>
dplyr::arrange(-count) |>
dplyr::mutate(year = 2011) |>
dplyr::rename(lad= LAD17NM) |>
ggplot(top20_2021) + geom_bar(aes(factor(lad,rev(unique(lad))), count), stat = "identity") + facet_wrap(~year) +